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Hold that Thought - previous articles

1. Is Fairness Enough? Rev. Danielle Hemsworth-Smith asks, is it enough to be fair, or does God require more?

2. Is Politics a Dirty Word? Rev. James Aaron talks about why we continue to talk about politics and people.

3. Reaching back, Reaching forward. Rev. Lindsay Cullen looks at the value of reaching back and reaching forward as we explore and deepen our faith.
4. God turns up when we gather in his name. In the midst of all our flaws and strangeness God turns up when we gather in his name. An inspiring testimony from Rev. Rebecca Lindsay
5. How are we doing what Jesus did? Rev. Matt Trounce asks what would it mean for you to leave the words behind a bit more and starting 'doing' as Jesus did?
6. Are you ready to talk about sex? It's not about being crude or rude but pausing and opening up the conversation.
7. The real apocalypse. Have you paused to find glimpses of good in your day?
8. You don't need to fake it. Ever felt the need to wear a mask? Rev. Lindsay Cullen shares why you don't need to fake it...
9. How do you respond to difference? Rev. Raymond Joso asks, what is it like to live with and respond to difference in our communities?
10. Who do you reckon God is? If you had to draw an image of your faith, what would that image look like?
11. What is forgiveness? Rev. Jorge Rebolledo talks us through forgiveness. What is it really, how and why should we forgive and does it really break the chains of resentment?
12. Holy discontent. Rev. Simon Hansford asks If you're a Christian do you have to be nice all the time? And is our discontent, with the way things are, a reflection of God's hope in the world?
13. True moments of choice. Rev James Aaron - Our lowest moments offer us the choices that shape who we are.
14. Where is faith? Rev Andrew Johnson - When you look for faith is it better to have proof or to believe in those who would risk all for faith?
15. Dear Church. Rev Danielle Hemsworth-Smith - If Jesus were around to day would he preach in the Church, a pub or both?
16. Time to stop. Rev Phil Swain - Is a full life one filled with activities or one where we're able to stop and fully appreciate it?
17. Increasing hope. Rev Ken Day - How we look at the world and where we place our hope can change everything
18. Only we can change the world. Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White asks, is it possible to change the world?
19. What is true connection? Rev Simon Hansford - We know relationships are about feeling valued and worthy and not just about likes. What's your conversation with God like today?
20. This is not fake news. Rev. Phil Swain sets a challenge. Be real with yourself and those around you. Will you accept the challenge?
21. The world is our neighbour. Rev. Danielle Hemsworth-Smith asks: What happens when you truly see and love the world as your neighbour?
22. How do you pray? Rev. Ken Day talks about prayer. What's it about and why do we do it?
Why do you pray? And what do you pray about?
23. Disconnect to connect. In a world that often feels isolating, how do we let others see the real "us"? Can we step out and risk not being liked? Rev. James Aaron asks us to risk being brilliant and beautiful and make that connection.
24. How do you know what you want? Rev. Andrew Johnson explores how we can really look at the world with wonder and delight.
25. What would Jesus post? Online and offline, how do we navigate our relationships with others, ourselves and with Jesus? Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White shares just how important it is to create a space for love, compassion and face-to-face relationships.

26. The Basic Unit of Our Humanity. Rev. Dr Peter Walker, Principal, United Theological College

27. Conversation about Holy Spirit for Pentecost. With Rev. Simon Hansford (Moderator), Rev. Jane Fry (General Secreatary), Rev. Bronwyn Murphy (Asscociate General Secretary) and hosted by Tara Murphy, Northmead Uniting Church.
28. God and Pandemic Suffering. Rev. Peter Walker, Principal of United Theological College talks about how we perceive God during the COVID-19 pandemic.
29. The Good Shepherd Rev. Dr Peter Walker reflects on the Lectionary Readings for May 3 ( Psalm 23, John 10:1-10)
30. Hope - A message from the Moderator, Rev Simon Hansford, this Easter: Hope in the midst of crisis
31. Let’s Talk: Disaster Recovery in a Pandemic. Steph O'Connell talks with Rev. Dr Stephen Robinson, Disaster Recovery Chaplain, about how the Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network (DRCN) can assist in the COVID-19 environment.
32. The Ministry of Presence. Rev. Dr Stephen Robinson discusses principles of emergency ministry and how they differ between a disaster response and our response during a pandemic.
33. Covid19 Update - from the Moderator | 20 March 2020
34. Conversations that Matter 4 March 2020 - Presbytery leadership from across the state gathered on 4 March at The Centre For Ministry for Conversations That Matter, led by General Secretary Rev. Jane Fry. Throughout 2020 these gatherings will be exploring how we can engage together as a Living Church in developing healthy congregations, vital leadership and how this can lead to transformative community engagement across the Synod.
35. What a Living Church means to us - we asked people what the Uniting Church meant to them and how their Church was a Living Church?

36. The story of Pentecost - a multicultural perspective - A Short video reading of Acts 2:1-21

37. Trinity Sunday, a Reflection  - How has the Trinity been described to you in the past? And is it an accurate reflection of the part the Trinity plays in Christianity? Rev. Dr Peter Walker, Principal of United Theological College reflects on these things in the lead up to Trinity Sunday.

38. My life became small - Rev Danielle Hemsworth Smith
39. How do we love our neighbour? - Rev Karen Mitchell-Lambert
40. Would you trust me? - Lother Nowak
41. Neighbourhoods Matter - Dr Armen Gakavian
42. Let’s build a new normal - Siosiana Tangi
43. How has COVID-19 shaped us? Richard La’Brooy
44. What does it mean to be church? Rev. Dr Karina Kreminsky
45. Our Neighbours Matter to God - Nathan Tyson
46. Debunking the New Normal - Rev. Amanda Hay - As COVID-19 restrictions ease, there's been a lot of talk about the 'new normal'. And after all, what is 'normal'? As a Church, Amanda believes we can be better than that.
47. Made in God’s Image - Rev. Lorenzo Rodriguez Torres
48. Stairwell Theology - Rev Danielle Hemsworth-Smith
49. How are you coping with COVID-19? - Rev Jon Humphries
50. What is your hope for the future? - Rev Richard Harris
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