Parramatta City Uniting Church
Online Services celebrated in 2022, 2023 and 2024
19.1.2025 - Epiphany 2 - John 2:1-11 - The Rev. Russ Davies reflects on Jesus' first miracle, at the wedding in Cana, where he turned water into wine. He explores the facts that the story is not just a reporting of the event, but it is also filled with much symbolic meaning.
12.1.2025 - Baptism of Jesus - Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson talks about Jesus baptism from Luke and challenges us as to whether we think that we are enough.
5.1.2025 - Christmas 2 - Matthew 2:1-12 - This week begins the “Feast of Epiphany” and the Rev. Geoff Stevenson has titled his talk “A way of love and hope for 2025”. Geoff tells the other story of Christmas and the Magi who found the baby Jesus and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. He compares that with the intertwined story of King Herod and illuminates us with the symbols from Jewish history stories and challenges us as to which way we might go into our world for 2025.
29.12.2024 - Christmas 1 - Luke 2:41-52 - Rev. Geoff. Stevenson , works with the Christmas Story from Luke and wonders if we have may have missed the point, in the tension of Christmas.
22.12.2024 - Advent 4 - Luke 1:46b-55 and Micah 5:2-5a - Bruce Bennetts, reflects on Luke 1, Mary's Song - The Magnificat.
Bruce asks, is the message of Christmas "Hope" - and in this world, where is our "hope".
15.12.2024 - Advent 3 - Luke 3:7-18 and Zephaniah 3:14-20 - Rev. Russ Davies reflects on the last 7 verses of the book of Zephania where Zephania talks about hope and rejoicing and Russ compares Zephanias world to our own and expresses that in this world of turmoil and confusion, we are in Gods hands and we too can find joy and hope.
8.12.2024 - Advent 2 - Luke 3:1-6 and Malachi 3:1-4 - The Rev. Dr. Helen Richmond reflects on biblical passages from Malachi and Luke and challenges us to do a stocktake of our lives, so that we can better reflect the image of God in our lives.
1.12.2024 - Advent 1 - Luke 21:25-36 - Rev Geoff Stevenson reflects on the passage from Luke 21 and has titled it "Light and Hope in the darkness of Crisis and Struggle". In this passage, Jesus points to signs, not just of endings, death and fear but also life and hope and the deeper reality experienced in the Reign of God, that is ever-present and everywhere. Are we open to the signs and realities around us?
24.11.2024 - Christ the King - John18:33-37 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson works through what "Jesus is King", might mean. He discusses the idea of traditional Kingship and what a new Kingdom - God's Kingdom, might look like. He has titled his reflection "Power and might, or a reign of love".
17.11.2024 - Pentecost 26 - Hebrews 10:11-25 and Mark 13:1-8 - The Rev. Russ Davies reflects on the passages from Hebrews 10 and Mark 13. He has titled his reflection "Jesus has been there and done that". He discusses how we can interpret some of the difficult passages in Hebrews and talks about the fact that God has shared all our human experiences, so we don't need to be anxious or fearful.
10.11.2024 - Pentecost 25 - Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 and Mark 12:38-44 - The Rev. Geoff Smith talks about his favourite book in the Bible, the Book of Ruth. This is a very human part of the Bible which we can all relate to, whereby Ruth has to decide what she needs to do for herself and her Mother in-law, Naomi - and how this is a good reflection for us, in relationships and empathy.
3.11.2024 - Pentecost 24 - Ruth 1:1-18 - How far do family bonds reach? Is blood thicker than water? Join Rev. Dr. Helen Richmond as she looks at relationships through the eyes of Ruth and Naomi. How do these women shape our thinking of inclusion and strength?
27.10.2024 - Pentecost 23 - Mark 10:46-52 and Job 42:1-6, 10-17 - How hard it is to let go when we are suffering and to trust in God. Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on Job and the story of Bartimaeus from Mark's Gospel.
20.10.2024 - Pentecost 22 - Mark 10:35-45 and Job 38:1-7 (34-41) - Why does Job get such a raw deal from God, and how do his friends help? Join Rev. Russell Davies as he unravels the Book of Job and explains why it is one of his favourite books of the Bible.
13.10.2024 - Pentecost 21 - Mark 10:17-31 - The Rev. Tui Waqanibaravi reflects on the story from Mark's gospel, of the young man who asks Jesus what he needs to do to be in God's kingdom - and what it means for us.
6.10.2024 - Pentecost 20 - Job 1:1, 2:1-10 and Mark 10:2-16 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson reflects on passages from Job and Mark and discusses the nature of God vs the nature of man and "how do we live in a world of suffering and injustice?"
29.9.2024 - Pentecost 19 - James 5:13-20 and Mark 9:38-50 - The Rev. Geoff Smith dwells on passages from Mark 9 and James 5 and how differences in Christian denominations, as well as religions, are causing and have caused chaos through out history - and that we can encounter God in different ways.
22.9.2024 - Pentecost 18 - Psalm 1 and Mark 9:30-37 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson is talking about the passage from Mark 9, where Jesus is teaching his disciples, that to be the greatest, you have to be the least and what that really means.
15.9.2024 - Pentecost 17 - Mark 8:27-38 - Who do you say that I am? Jesus asks his disciples and they all give different answers. What happens when our expectations of the Messiah are different to the reality of Jesus? Join Rev. Russell Davies as he reflects on Mark 8:27-38.
8.9.2024 - Pentecost 16 - Mark 7:24-37 and James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 - Jesus is trying to avoid the limelight when he is confronted by a Gentile woman with a sick daughter? How does he respond? Stuart Elliott reflects on readings from James and Mark. In a world with so much pain and suffering, how can we possibly choose where and who to help?
1.9.2024 - Pentecost 15 - Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 - When the Pharisees and Scribes accuse Jesus and some of the disciples of defiling the traditions, how does Jesus respond? How do we balance our own traditions and being a place of welcome for all? Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on the reading from Mark 7.
25.8.2024 - Pentecost 14 - John 6:56-69, Ephesians 6:10-20 - Bruce Bennetts reflects on the Ephesians passage and warns us regarding our corporate evil and the armour of God. Be brave, but listen at your own risk and be challenged.
18.8.2024 - Pentecost 13 - John 6:35, 41-51 - Jesus says, "I am the bread of life. Eat my body and drink my blood." Do we read this as symbolism or take Jesus at His word? Join Rev. Russell Davies as he reflects on John's Gospel and explores the mystery of 'The Real Presence'.
11.8.2024 - Pentecost 12 - John 6:35, 41-51 - Jesus says, 'I am the bread of life'. What does this mean for those of us in the church? As we recognise the scourge of homelessness in our community this week, Rev. Geoff Smith reflects on the reading from John's gospel and the challenge of helping every human being be all that they can be.
4.8.2024 - Pentecost 11 - Ephesians 4:1-16 - When the disciples come to Jesus asking for more bread, he tells them to look elsewhere. Things are not always as they seem. Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on readings from Ephesians and the Gospel of John.
28.7.2024 - Pentecost 10 - John 6:1-21 - The Rev. Tui Waqanibaravi joins us for the first time and reflecting on the meaning of the story of the feeding of the five thousand, our need to trust God to provide and that we are not alone and we are enough.
21.7.2024 - Pentecost 9 - Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 - Even Jesus' apostles need to rest for a while. Join Rev. Russell Davies as he reflects on Mark 6 and the need to find balance in our lives.
14.7.2024 - Pentecost 8 - Mark 6:14-29 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson reflects on the story of the beheading of John the Baptist and the juxtaposition of the two worlds. Comparing one of power, greed , wealth and self-satisfaction, compared with Jesus world of empathy, love and healing.
7.7.2024 - Pentecost 7 - Mark 6:1-13 - When Jesus returns to his hometown, you would expect him to receive a hero's welcome. That's not what happens. As we celebrate NAIDOC week, join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on what it means to come home.
30 June 2024 - Pentecost 6 - Mark 5:21-43 - Should Jesus save the life of the important man's daughter, or the lady who secretly touches his cloak. Join Rev. Geoff Smith as he takes us on a journey to Capernaum and reflects on Mark 5.
23 June 2024 - Pentecost 5 - Mark 4:35-41 - Jesus tells his disciples, ‘Let us go across to the other side.’ How do we respond when stepping out of our comfort zone makes us feel as though the howling winds and waves are threatening our lives? Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he discusses the reading from Mark's gospel where Jesus calms the waters.
16 June 2024 - Pentecost 4 - Mark 4:26-34 - Jesus uses parables to describe the kingdom of God. Are they intended to illuminate or obscure? Join Rev. Russell Davies as he reflects on the parables of the scattered seed from Mark 4.
9 June 2024 - Pentecost 3 - Mark 3:20-35 and Psalm 138 - The topic for today's service is "Gratitude" and the Rev. Geoff Smith talks about some of his own reflections on "gratitude".
2 June 2024 - Pentecost 2 - Mark 2:23-3:6, Psalm 139 - ‘Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the sabbath, to save life or to kill?’ Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on Psalm 139 and Mark 2 and explores the question that Jesus asked the Pharisees.
26 May 2024 - Trinity - John 3:1-17 - Sunday is "Trinity Sunday" and "National Sorry Day" and the Rev. Helen Richmond weaves these things together and gets us to think about what the nature of God is in our relationship with indigenous people of our country.
19 May 2024 - Pentecost - Acts 2:1-21 and Ezekiel 37:1-14 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson explores how people reacted when they felt God flow through them and explores how we might experience God flowing in and through us.
12 May 2024 - Easter 7 - Acts 1:6-11, John 17:6-19 - Rev. Russell Davies reflects all about bridges, like the bridge between heaven and earth, the past and the present and many more.
5 May 2024 - Easter 6 - Acts 10:44-48 and John 15:9-17 - What does Jesus mean when he says 'Abide in my love', and what does it mean for us today? Join Stuart Elliott as he reflects on Acts 10 and John 15.
28 April 2024 - Easter 5 - Acts 8:26-40 - Bruce Bennetts reflects on the story in "Acts", of Philip and the Eunic. How Philip met the Eunic where he was. He talks about how the church was in the beginning and how it is now.
21 April 2024 - Easter 4 - John 10:11-18 and Psalm 23 - How were five simple words so revolutionary? How did it change the thinking of the followers of Jesus, and how do those words call us to change today? Rev. Russell Davies explores and unpacks our text.
14th April 2024 - Easter 3 - Luke 24:36b-48 - Jesus appears in locked rooms and then disappears just as quickly. How do the disciples deal with this mystery and how do we experience the mystery of Jesus today. Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on Luke 24.
7 April 2024 - Easter 2 - John 20:19-31 - "Easter: Light in our Darkness!", Rev. Geoff Stevenson explores how we encounter and experience the essence of Easter in the reality of our lives.
31 March 2024 - Easter Sunday - John 20:1-18 - The Rev. Geoff Smith reflects on the reading from John's Gospel and the humanity side shown in this story.
24 March 2024 - Palm Sunday - Mark 11:1-11 - As we enter Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and as Jesus moves closer to his terrible fate, join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on the reading.
17 March 2024 - Lent 5 - Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Psalm 51:1-12 - Rev. Russ Davies reflects on the Old and New Testament covenants that we have with God and what they mean to us today.
10 March 2024 - Lent 4 - Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-21 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson is reflecting on the "Numbers" and "John "readings about a serpent on a stick and asks us to think about what symbols we have in our lives and their importance and meaning to our lives.
3 March 2024 - Lent 3 - John 2:13-22 - Rev. Dr. Helen Richmond reflects on Mark's story of the 'Angry Jesus' who turns the tables in the temple. How do we respond when we are called to be passionate advocates for change?
25 February 2024 - Lent 2 - Mark 8:31-38 - Jesus asks his disciples to follow him into unchartered territory. Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as we head down 'the road less travelled’.
18 February 2024 - Lent 1 - Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, 1 Peter 3:18-22 - Rev. Russell Davies reflects on a constant theme in this weeks readings of "water" and how the messages are intertwined and asks what does it mean, for us.
11 February 2024 - Transfiguration of Jesus - 2 Kings 2:1-12, Matk 9:2-9 - When God asks Elijah to go to one more town, Elisha follows in faith and perseverance. Rev. Geoff Smith asks what does it take to be persistent and go the extra mile?
4 February 2024 - Epiphany 5 - Mark 1:29-39 - Rev. Helen Richmond is reflecting on the Mark 1: 29-39 passage. Helen reminds us that we all need to take time out of our busy lives, to breathe.
28 January 2024 - Epiphany 4 - Mark 1:21-28 - Why were people so astounded by Jesus' teachings? How did Jesus deal with the man with the 'unclean spirit'? Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on Mark 1:21-28.
21 January 2024 - Epiphany 3 - Jonah 3:1-5, 10 and Mark 1:14-20 - The Rev. Russell Davies takes us through the Old Testament story of Jonah, (the worlds most unwilling missionary) and reflects on what the moral of the story can teach us.
14 January 2024 - Epiphany 2 - Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18, John 1:43-51 - Bruce Bennetts reflects on the "John 1" passage and the calling of Philip and Nathanael. Bruce goes on to think about "who are we seeing and not seeing in our community" and being loved for who we truly are.
7 January 2024 - Epiphany - Isaiah 60:1-6, 19-22 - Rev. Russ Davies reflects on Epiphany and Isaiah 60, when the expectation of the Israelites didn't quite meet up with the reality, what we can identify with and what expectations can we draw. A very interesting reflection.
31 December 2023 - Christmas 1 - Luke 2:22-40 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson reflects on Luke's story of the young Jesus, our eternal hope.
24 December 2023 - Advent 4 - 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 & Luke 1:16-23 - Bruce Bennetts shares his thoughts on Mary's journey into faith and how she responds to God's invitation despite her own fear and doubts.
17 December 2023 - Advent 3 - Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 & Luke 1:46b-55 - The Rev. Russell Davies takes us through the 3rd Sunday in Advent, with joy and preparation and tells us to hurry up and wait.
10 December 2023 - Advent 2 - Isaiah 40:1-11 - The Rev. John Barr considers "how do we think about peace in a world that is anything but peaceful?"
3 December 2023 - Advent 1 - Psalm 80, Mark 13:24-37 - Rev. Russell Davies reflects on what are we waiting for?
26th November 2023 - Reign of Christ, Sunday - Matthew 25:31-46 - "Just as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me." Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on Matthew 25 and what this means for our world today.
19 November 2023 - Pentecost 25 - Matthew 25:14-30 - The Rev. Russell Davies reflects on the Matthew story of the "Talents" and "Risking the way of Jesus"
12 November 2023 - Pentecost 24 - Matthew 25:1-13 - Rev. John Barr as he reflects on the story of the ten bridesmaids. What are we waiting for and what must we do to ensure we are not foolish?
5 November 2023 - Pentecost 23 - Matthew 25:1-13 - What a big week for the church. Reformation Day, All Saints Day and All Souls Day all in the same week. Join Rev. Russell Davies as he unpacks what they all mean and their relevance to us today.
29 October 2023 - Pentecost 22 - Matthew 22:34-46 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson channels The Beatles and tells us, 'All You Need is Love". Join Geoff as he reflects on Matthew 22 and the challenge of the Pharisees.
22 October 2023 - Pentecost 21 - Matthew 22:15-22 - What do you owe to the government? What do you owe to God? Join Rev. Russell Davies as he unravels Matthew 22
15 October 2023 - Pentecost 20 - Philippians 4:1-9, Exodus 32:1-14 - What are you worried about? Would you let go of everything to find peace? Join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he explores the ideas of materialism and control.
8 October 2023 - Pentecost 19 - Isaiah 5:1-7, Matthew 21:33-46 - What happens when the tennants don't look after the vineyard? Join Russell Davies as he reflects on Isaiah and Matthew. How do we as Christians hear this call to care for creation?
1 October 2023 - Pentecost 18 - Matthew 21:23-32 - Rev. John Barr reflects on "truth decay" in our modern world and how we might combat it by seeing the world as Jesus did.
24 September 2023 - Pentecost 17 - Exodus 16:2-30 and Matthew 20:1-16 - Rev. Niall Reid reflects on the story from Exodus Chapter 16 as the Israelites are led through the desert to the land of milk and honey. Why do many want more than they need?
17 September 2023 - Pentecost 16 - Job 28:20-28 and Matthew 16:1-4 - What does the bible tell us about our role in protecting the environment and caring for God's creation?
10 September 2023 - Pentecost 15 - Matthew 18:15-20 & Romans 13:8-14 - The Bible provides the Church with lots of rules. Rev. Russell Davies reflects on Romans 13 and Matthew 18. Is there a simpler way of understanding these?
3 September 2023 - Pentecost 14 - Matthew 16:21-28, Exodus 3:1-15 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson explores readings from Exodus and Matthew - "I am who I am!".
27 August 2023 - Pentecost 13 - Matthew 16:13-20 - The Rev. Russell Davies reflects on The Matthew 16 passage where, Jesus asks his disciples "Who do you think I am"
20 August 2023 - Pentecost 12 - Matthew 15:(10-20) 21-28, Genesis 45:1-15 - Bruce Bennetts reflects on Matthew's account of Jesus confrontation with a Canaanite woman and what this means for us today.
6 August 2023 - Pentecost 10 - Genesis 32:22-31 - Have you ever been involved with a struggle with God? Have you felt spooked, ambushed, haunted or had issues with God that troubled you or made you angry? Join the Rev. John Barr, while he reflects on the passage from Genesis 32.
30 July 2023 - Pentecost 9 - Is joy the same as pleasure? Where do we find joy? Is it in a seed, or money, or a precious pearl? Join Rev. Russell Davies as he unpacks a few of Jesus' parables about joy.
23 July 2023 - Pentecost 8 - Do you think the bible only has stories of straight-laced people? Join Rev. john Barr as he explores some of the 'tricksters' in the bible and explores how we might understand these characters.
16 July 2023 - Pentecost 7 - Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 - The Rev. Russell Davies reflects on the Matthew:13 parable of the "Sower" and is thinking about what it means. Is it just about bad farming practices?
9 July 2023 - Pentecost 6 - Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 - ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.' Join Geoff Smith as he reflects on this life changing invitation from Matthew's Gospel.
2 July 2023 - Pentecost 5 - Matthew 10:34-42 - Rev. Russell Davies is reflecting on the Matthew 10 reading, which speaks of Jesus bringing not peace, but the sword, and setting people against each other. Jesus is considered the Prince of Peace. How can this be?
18 June 2023 - Pentecost 3 - Romans 5:1-8 - We join Rev. John Barr as we look at Romans 5:1-8. How did people understand 'Peace' 2,000 years ago? Especially when they lived under the yoke of the Roman Empire. And what does Paul mean when he talks about the 'peace of God'?
11 June 2023 - Pentecost 2 - Genesis 12:1-9 and Matthew9:9-13, 18-26 - With Geoff Stevenson, Abram and Sarai as we reflect on Genesis 12 and Matthew 9.
4 June 2023 - Trinity Sunday - Psalm 8 and Genesis 1:1-2:12 - In this week's Reflection, we join Rev. Geoff Stevenson as he reflects on Trinity Sunday through readings from Genesis and Psalms.
28 May 2023 - Pentecost Sunday - Acts 2:14-24, 32-36 and 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 -Today is Pentecost Sunday. Join Rev. Russell Davies as he leads us through the Acts and Corinthians readings on the blowing of the Spirit. How do we use the many gifts that God has given us?
21 May 2023 - Easter 7 - Acts 1:6-14 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson challenges us, if "we want the world to change, let it begin with each of us!"
14 May 2023 - Easter 6 - John 14:1-14 - What's more important; the journey or the destination. Take a walk with Rev. Geoff Stevenson this morning as we explore this question.
7 May 2023 - Easter 5 - 1 Peter 2:2-10, Acts 7:55-60 - The Rev. John Barr reflects on the story of the "Stoning of Stephen" and the existence and healing of differences in beliefs and theology, both then and in our churches, today.
30 April 2023 - Easter 4 - Psalm 23 and John 10:1-10 - The Lord is My Shepherd - What does that mean and how do we respond to Jesus' call to follow him, the Good Shepherd? Rev. Russell Davies shepherds us this morning.
23 April 2023 - Easter 3 - Luke 24:13-35 - Join Bruce Bennetts on a journey to Emmaus. Who do we encounter on our journey through life?
16 April 2023 - Easter 2 - John 20:19-31 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson contemplates the meanings behind Jesus's post Easter appearances. "From Death to Life We Grow".
9 April 2023 Easter Day - John 20:1-18 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson reminds us that new life comes springing out of the least likely places, if we trust this one who was raised into new life and comes to us in the darkness of life, with love and hope!.
2 April 2023 - Matthew 21:1-11 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson reflects on Palm Sunday, the 2 processions, 2 ways - Of Love and Freedom or Fear and Violence!
26 March 2023 - John 11:1-45 and Ezekiel 37:1-14 - In this week's Reflection, the Rev. Russell Davies talks about the meanings behind Old Testament story of the "Valley of the dry bones" and also the real story behind the telling in John's gospel of "the raising of Lazarus"
19 March 2023 - John 9:1-41 - The Rev, John Barr reflects on the Gospel story in "John" and the difference between "Healing" and "Curing" and whether disease and disability is part of God's plan.
12 March 2023 - John 4:5-42 - Stuart Elliott reflects on Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well. Why is this meeting so remarkable?
5 March 2023 - Genesis 12:1-4a and John 3:1-17 - Geoff Stevenson reflects on Abram and Sarai and asks 'what's stopping us from letting go?'
26 February 2023 - Genesis 2:17-17, 3:1-7 - Join Rev. Russell Davies and the team as we reflect on Adam and Eve, the Serpent, the Tree of Life and what it means to be 'really human'.
19 February 2023 - Matthew 17:1-9 - Rev. Geoff Stevenson reflects on the Transfiguration and those moments in our lives that call us out of the everyday and into God's transforming love.
12 February 2023 - Matthew 5:21-37 - Bruce Bennett reflects on Jesus' challenge in Matthew's Gospel. In this day and age, how are we to hear this reinforced focus on the commandments?
5 February 2023 - Epiphany 5 - The Rev. John Barr talks about what the "mind of Christ" means and reminds us that you don't have to be clever to be the "mind of Christ", just be Christ to others.
29 January 2023 - Epiphany 4 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson reflects, not only on the "Beatitudes" from the Gospel of Mathew, but also from the book of Micah and the instructions from God, to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly, with our God.
22 January 2023 - Our Day of Mourning - On this Sunday before Australia Day, we celebrate diversity with Rev. Russell Davies and recognise the importance of reconciliation with the First Peoples of this nation.
15 January 2023 - Epiphany 2 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson talks about the way in which the world doesn't seem to move on and challenges us to sing a new song.
8 January 2023 - The visit of the wise men - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson challenges us, following the lights and excitement of Christmas and New Year, with a post Christmas biblical passage from Matthew and how that might challenge us. "Light in our Darkness". Wherever there is pain and passion, love and hope, where kindness and compassion and justice flourish, God is present.
1 January 2023 - New Years Day - The Rev. John Barr reflects on the Matthew version of the Christmas story, of the three wise men and Herod and the subsequent horror of the massacre of the children and contemplates about how does "power" react when threatened and how should we use our "power", for hope and justice for all people.
25 December 2022 - Christmas Day - Luke 2:1-20 - Rev Geoff Stevenson talks about what extends him to Christmas and what are the moments where we experience Christ breaking into our lives.
4 December 2022 - Advent 2 - The Rev. Russell Davies reflects on a four letter word used in Advent.
27 November 2022 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson tells a true current story and explores being peace and hope in a world of pain and struggle.
13 November 2022 - Luke 21:5-19 - Rev. John Barr shares his reflection on Luke 21. Understanding the signs of change and always focusing on the future.
6 November 2022 - Luke 20 -Bruce Bennetts reflects on Luke 20 and the challenge of the Sadducees. What happens in the resurrection to the woman who married seven brothers?
23 October 2022 - The Rev. Geoff Stevenson shares with us his thoughts on the Luke 18 passage and how we are all in the same mess and need grace.